
Verso la Fine - Towards the End

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sarà spedito 2-4 settimani

Corrado Maria Saglietti


Verso la Fine - Towards the End

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Corrado Maria Saglietti


Verso la Fine - Towards the End

  • Formazione violino, corno e pianoforte
  • Compositore Corrado Maria Saglietti
  • Difficoltà
  • Edizione partitura e parti
  • Casa Editrice Editions Bim
  • Numero d'ordine BIM-MCX119
sarà spedito 2-4 settimani
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  • Pubblicazione: 01.07.2024
  • Genere: Musica classica, Musica classica moderna
The “Trio for Violin, Horn, and Piano” was inspired by a desire to represent the contrasts of our era: a time marked by light and darkness, passion and indifference, globalization and solitude.

Throughout the four movements, phrases appear for the purpose of inspiration or musical interpretation.

In this imaginative landscape, we can encounter elements such as harshness, passion, inexorability, idealization of the past, melancholy, frenzy, and madness.

Could it be that we are living in a time moving “Towards the End”?