John Stevens
Fanfare for an Uncommon Man
John Stevens
Fanfare for an Uncommon Man
- Compositore John Stevens
- Edizione partitura e parti
- Casa Editrice Editions Bim
- Numero d'ordine BIM-ENS244
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FANFARE FOR AN UNCOMMON MAN is a work for orchestral brass and percussion composed in 2011. It was commissioned by the Wisconsin School Music Foundation for the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra and premiered by that group in a concert honoring its founder, Marvin Rabin, with the WYSO Lifetime Achievement Award. Rabin (1916-2013) dedicated his life to the musical education of young people and was one of the leaders in the youth orchestra movement in America. The title of the work, inspired of course by Aaron Copland, is a tribute to the life and career of maestro Rabin.