Cosmic Tree

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Askell Masson

Cosmic Tree

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Askell Masson

Cosmic Tree

  • Formazione marimba e 3 percussioni
  • Compositore Askell Masson
  • Difficoltà
  • Edizione spartiti
  • Casa Editrice Editions Bim
  • Numero d'ordine BIM-PERC35
sarà spedito 2-4 settimani
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  • Durata: 10:00
  • Peso: 327 g
Marimba and 3 Percussionists
Genaue Besetzung: perc. I: picc. woodblock, 2 wood blocks, sus. cymbal, Glockenspiel, bass drum
perc. II: 4 temple blocks, sus. cymb., vibraphone, large frame drum
perc. III: 4 pitches slit drums, sus. cym., loose cymb., timpani

The title of this piece refers to the cosmic tree of Norse mythology, the Yggdrasill.
This tree of life extends to the heavens from the earth, thus uniting them. It is said to have three supportive roots which embrace the whole of the earth. Beneath each root are wells guarded by nornes (fortune women) who decide the lives and destiny of mankind.

The beginning of the work is influenced by an icelandic folk song.