Concierto No 1

Concierto No 1

IVA inclusa, Escluse le spese di spedizione
sarà spedito 2-4 settimani

Andrés Valero-Castells

Concierto No 1

Concierto No 1

Andrés Valero-Castells

Concierto No 1

sarà spedito 2-4 settimani
IVA inclusa, Escluse le spese di spedizione
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  • Durata: 14:00
Trumpet and Wind Band (Original) or Strings or Piano

During the International Trumpet Workshop at Navajas (Castellon, Spain) I had the pleasure of meeting Guy Touvron, the great French trumpet virtuoso, with whom I've also studied. This work is dedicated to him. The work is conceived as chamber music, but it requires nevertheless a full string orchestra in order to guarantee the tonal balance between the trumpet and the strings. Structurally, I've introduced some classical reminiscences, especially in the first movement, where the theme of the whole movement is contained in the first measure. In the second movement I use mainly a polytonal approach in order to create a subtle and ethereal atmosphere. The last movement is a Molto vivacious Allegro throughout that exploits the virtuostic resources of the trumpet. Andres Valero Castells
Parole chiave: Spartiti banda e tromba