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Educazione musicale

La musica è ampiamente riconosciuta come un potente strumento per migliorare le esperienze di apprendimento. La sua capacità di coinvolgere e stimolare il cervello la rende una risorsa preziosa negli ambienti educativi. Riconosciamo l'importanza di integrare la musica nel processo educativo, in particolare nell'istruzione primaria e precoce. Per aiutare gli educatori in questo compito, forniamo un'ampia selezione di materiali didattici che comprende piani di lezione interattivi, fogli di lavoro coinvolgenti e attività divertenti che si adattano a diversi stili e abilità di apprendimento.

Vom wilden Lernen

Musizieren lernen - auch außerhalb von Schule und Unterricht

Wildes Lernen: Ist dieses nur im autodidaktischen Lernen der Popmusiker oder im urwüchsigen Lernen in der musikalischen Praxisgemeinschaft der Volksmusiker zu finden? Die Beiträge dieses Buches machen...

Wildes Lernen: Ist dieses nur im autodidaktischen Lernen der Popmusiker oder im urwüchsigen Lernen in der musikalischen Praxisgemeinschaft der Volksmusiker zu finden? Die Beiträge dieses Buches machen...

  • Pedagogica
  • libro
  • Schott Musik
  • disponibile
    sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
18,95 €
disponibile | sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
Numero d'ordine: UM5006

Laura Krämer

Musik verstehen und erfinden

Das Übungs- und Spielbuch für Melodieinstrumente

There is the tenacious prejudice that the piano is better suited than a melodic instrument to grasp musical, especially harmonic structures. Yet in harmonic tonal music, melody, harmony and counterpoi...

There is the tenacious prejudice that the piano is better suited than a melodic instrument to grasp musical, especially harmonic structures. Yet in harmonic tonal music, melody, harmony and counterpoi...

  • Pedagogica
  • libro
  • Schott Musik
  • disponibile
    sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
22,50 €
disponibile | sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
Numero d'ordine: UM5028

Das Lehren lernen

Instrumentalpädagogik auf dem Weg ins 20. Jahrhundert

Während die Historische Musikpädagogik sich bisher vorwiegend mit der Geschichte der Schulmusik beschäftigt hat, thematisiert dieser Band die Geschichte des Instru­mentalunterrichts. Der vorliegende B...

Während die Historische Musikpädagogik sich bisher vorwiegend mit der Geschichte der Schulmusik beschäftigt hat, thematisiert dieser Band die Geschichte des Instru­mentalunterrichts. Der vorliegende B...

  • Pedagogica
  • libro
  • Schott Musik
  • disponibile
    sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
22,95 €
disponibile | sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
Numero d'ordine: UM5029

Quincy C. Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2319

Quincy C. Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2320

Quincy C Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2321

Quincy C Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2322

Quincy C Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2323

Quincy C Hilliard

Counts of Silence

A Sixteen Week program to Enhance Rhythmic Counting

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

Quincy Hilliard's Counts of Silence is a sixteen-week program suitable for students in their second year of music or beyond. Covering different rhythmic patterns and concepts in each unit, Counts of S...

  • sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
11,95 €
sarà spedito 3-4 settimani
Numero d'ordine: WJP-WB2324

Manuela Widmer, Corinna Ensslin

Bim und Bam: Hallo Bim - Hallo Bam

Unterrichtswerk für Eltern-Kind-Kurse (Kinderheft)

Today, parent-and-child courses form part of the programme of almost every music school. This new textbook in the 'Music and Dance for Children' series provides practical, well-tried, yet modern mater...

Today, parent-and-child courses form part of the programme of almost every music school. This new textbook in the 'Music and Dance for Children' series provides practical, well-tried, yet modern mater...

  • Educazione musicale nella scuola dell'Infanzia
  • libro
  • Schott Musik
  • disponibile
    sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
15,50 €
disponibile | sarà spedito in 1-2 giorni lavorativi
Numero d'ordine: ED21341
Educazione musicale

Educazione musicale

Impara con la musica: qui trovi un'ampia offerta di libri e materiale didattico per la prima educazione musicale, per l'insegnamento ai bambini piccoli e per l'istruzione elementare, libri per l'insegnamento musicale generico e di base, nonché le tanto amate serie come "Musik und Tanz für Kinder" (musica e danza per i bambini), "Der Musikgarten" (il giardino della musica), "Tina und Tobi", "Die Musikwerkstatt" (l'officina della musica), ecc.