Messe de la Chapelle de Lorette

Messe de la Chapelle de Lorette


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sarà spedito 2-4 settimani

Jean-François Michel

Messe de la Chapelle de Lorette


Messe de la Chapelle de Lorette

Jean-François Michel

Messe de la Chapelle de Lorette


sarà spedito 2-4 settimani
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  • Pubblicazione: 01.07.2024
  • Genere: Musica sacra e religiosa
Among my favorite composers is Franz Schubert, who had the knack for crafting masterpieces with simplicity.

In my modest attempt, I have endeavored to walk in the same shoes: composing simple and melodious lines that I hope will resonate with performers and listeners alike.

Another tribute is paid to the Chapel of Loretto, which overlooks the city of Fribourg and fills me with pride when I show it to friends.
Parole chiave: Spartiti musica sacra